709 Advances in CO2 Capture

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 3:15 PM
Union Square 16 (Hilton)
We invite experimental and modeling papers dealing with the thermodynamics and kinetics of CO2 capture from various point sources. Capture technologies of interest include, but are not limited to, adsorption, absorption, membrane separations, and other methods spanning the range from physical interactions to chemical reactions. Papers combining both experiments and modeling are especially encouraged.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
Fossil Fuels & CCS (T4G), High Pressure (01F), Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (21), Sustainable Engineering Forum (23), CO2 Capture (T2)

Robert Enick
Email: rme@pitt.edu

Coray M. Colina
Email: colina@matse.psu.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:36 PM

3:57 PM
(709c) Modelling and Measuring Hydrate Promotion for CO2 Capture
Peter Jørgensen Herslund, Kaj Thomsen, Jens Abildskov, Nicolas von Solms, Aurélie Galfré, Pedro Brântuas, Matthias Kwaterski and Jean-Michel Herri

5:21 PM
(709g) Electrochemical Strategies for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Michael C. Stern, Howard Herzog, T. Alan Hatton and Aly Eltayeb
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals