710 Advances in Information Management and Integration

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 3:15 PM
Continental 7 (Hilton)
This session solicits submissions describing methods, applications, and challenges in data management, information management, knowledge management, and integrating data from disparate systems for process design, process operations, and other applications. Examples of such efforts include ontologies and other formal representations, cheminformatics tools and applications, semantic web applications, sharing operations data across groups in industry, and others.

Information Technology

Antonis Kokossis
Email: akokossis@mail.ntua.gr

Franjo Cecelja
Email: f.cecelja@surrey.ac.uk

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:15 PM
(710a) Ontology Engineering for the Development of Industrial Symbiosis Networks
Franjo Cecelja, Nikolaos Trokanas, Tara Raafat, Antonis Korkofigkas and Antonis Kokossis

3:34 PM
(710b) Modeling of Enterprise Wide Recipes to Feed a Data Warehousing Strategy
Adam Fermier, Leif Poulsen, Alison Harkins, James Kenyon, Terry Murphy and Walter Cedeno

3:53 PM
(710c) Natural Language Modelling in Process Synthesis and Optimization
Vassilis Magioglou, Antonis Korkofigas, Marinella Tsakalova and Antonis C. Kokossis

4:12 PM
(710d) Integration of Mathematical Knowledge Management for Improved Enterprise Decision-Making
Edrisi Muñoz, José Miguel Laínez, Elisabet Capon, Antonio Espuña and Luis Puigjaner

4:31 PM
(710e) Knowledge Management in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Girish Joglekar, Arun Giridhar and Gintaras V. Reklaitis
File available
4:50 PM
(710f) Mosaic: An Online Platform for Combined Process Model and Measurement Data Management
Erik Esche, David Müller, Robert Kraus, Sandra Fillinger, Victor Alejandro Merchan Restrepo and Günter Wozny

5:09 PM
(710g) Intuitive Visual Communication of Temporal Data
Christian M. Thürlimann, David J. Dürrenmatt and Kris Villez
File available
5:28 PM
(710h) A New CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Module for Simulation of Brazed Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers
Stéphane Dechelotte, Olivier Baudouin, Alain Vacher, David Averous, Renaud Egal, Florian Picard and Rodolphe Sardeing
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division