441 Perspectives on Information Management and Intelligent Systems

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:30 AM
Union Square 11 (Hilton)
This session puts the field of information management and intelligent systems in perspective within the context of the chemical engineering, relating the current state of the art to historical and future trends. Abstracts focus on the needs of chemical engineering and the challenges faced by information management in improving manufacturing, innovation, research, and education.

Information Technology

Kris Villez
Email: kris.villez@eawag.ch

Gürkan Sin
Email: gsi@kt.dtu.dk

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:30 AM
(441a) Dissimination of University Research Through CAPE-OPEN
Bjørn Maribo-Mogensen, Georgios Kontogeorgis and Alay Arya

9:20 AM
(441c) Information and Technology Challenges in Bioenergy and Waste-to-Energy Networks
Antonis Korkofigkas, Georgios Lignos and Antonis C. Kokossis
File available
9:45 AM
(441d) An Ontology for Information and Data Management for Synthesis and Design of Processing Networks
Alberto Quaglia, Gürkan Sin, Rafiqul Gani and Amata Anantpinijwatna

10:10 AM

10:35 AM
(441f) Waste Treatment Plant Model Based On Knowledge Management Technologies for Decision Making Support
Elisabet Capon, Edrisi Muñoz, Konrad Hungerbühler, Antonio Espuña and Luis Puigjaner
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division