433 Modeling Transport in Membrane Processes I

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:30 AM
Union Square 3 (Hilton)
Papers are sought in all areas of membrane transport from molecular transport in membrane materials to mass transfer in membrane modules. Work related to applications in fuel processing, energy production, and bioseparations is of particular interest.

Membrane-Based Separations

Ruth E. Baltus
Email: baltus@clarkson.edu

Jennifer Wilcox
Email: jen.wilcox@stanford.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
8:52 AM
(433b) The Design of a New Membrane Contactor for CO2 Capture
Pingjiao Hao, Jay Kniep, Ken Chan, Vincent Nguyen, Karl D. Amo and Richard Baker

9:14 AM
(433c) Mathematical Modeling of Hollow Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors for Acid Gas Removal
Ajay Makkuni, Shiguang Li, Timothy Tamale, S. James Zhou, Howard S. Meyer, Benjamin Bikson and Yong Ding

10:42 AM
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division