627 Micro and Nanofabricated Sensors

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 8:30 AM
Sutter A (Hilton)
This session will focus on micro and nanosensors, with specific emphasis on the fabrication approaches and unique applications. Silicon-based MEMS fabrication technology and its potential and limitations for microsensor development will be addressed in this session. The incorporation of sensors into arrays and other forms of integration within micro and nanosystems are also of interest. Advances in non-planar, non-silicon based fabrication strategies, including nanotube and nanoelectrode configurations as microsensors or microdetection systems are also invited.


John Oakey
Email: joakey@uwyo.edu

8:30 AM

8:45 AM
(627b) Point-of-Care Assay for Tuberculosis: Rapid Detection Using Droplet-Based Microfluidics
Liat Rosenfeld, Yunfeng Cheng, Jianghong Rao and Sindy K.Y. Tang

9:00 AM
(627c) Microengineered, Photodegradable Hydrogels for the Selective Capture and Release of Mammalian Cells
Mark W. Tibbitt, Paige Fischer, April M. Kloxin, John Oakey and Kristi S. Anseth

9:15 AM
(627d) Bihydrogel Particles As Free-Standing Mechanical Microsensors
Tsung-Yen Tsou, Chia-Wei Hsu, Hsien-Yeh Chen and Chih-Chen Hsieh

9:30 AM
(627e) Relative Humidity Optical Microsensor Based On Polymer Coated Microtoroids
Simin Mehrabani, Philip Kwong, Malancha Gupta and Andrea M. Armani

10:00 AM
(627g) Multi Spatiotemporal Spectroscopy From a Novel Nano-Structured Plasmonic Grating Hotspots Platform
Sagnik Basuray, Avinash Pathak, Joseph C. Mathai, Drew Menke, Peter V. Cornish, Keshab Gangopadhyay and Shubhra Gangopadhyay

10:30 AM
(627i) Multiplexed Proteomics Using Ultra Dielectrophoresis (uDEP)
Sam Emaminejad, Mehdi Javanmard, Robert Dutton and Ronald Davis

10:45 AM
(627j) Simultaneous Measurement of pH and Bacterial Markers in a Single Sensor
Hunter J. Sismaet, Thaddaeus A. Webster and Edgar D. Goluch
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical Conference: Sensors