643 Syngas Production and Gas-to-Liquids Technology

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 8:30 AM
Continental 5 (Hilton)
A large body of research from the 1920’s through the present day has been devoted on the development of the Fischer-Tropsch and related processes. Although under special circumstances Gas-To-Liquids can be profitable widespread proliferation of GTL plants has not yet materialize. Economies of scale, energy efficiency, and feedstock cost are the main challenges. We would like to invite talks from industry and academia to discuss recent developments to further advance GTL technology. Particular emphasis will be given to FT and syngas production reactor studies (such as hydrodynamics, scale-up, modeling, catalysis, and kinetics), process integration, capital cost reduction, and energy optimization. Contributions in utilization of alternative feedstocks (e.g. coal or biomass), production of alternative fuels (e.g. ethanol) or chemicals and co-production of chemicals are also sought.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
Alternative Energy & Enabling Technologies (T4E)

Fan Shi
Email: fan.shi@netl.doe.gov

Richard H. West
Email: r.west@neu.edu

8:30 AM

8:50 AM
(643b) From High Throughput Lab to Pilot-Plant Scale – Parallel Testing of Hydroprocessing Catalysts
Sascha Vukojevic, Florian Huber, Tilman Sauer, Jochen Berg and Alfred Haas

9:10 AM
(643c) Deactivation Model for Co Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts
Kamyar Keyvanloo, William C Hecker and Calvin H. Bartholomew

9:30 AM
(643d) Effects of Nitrogen Co-Feeding in Fischer Tropsch Synthesis At Low CO Conversion
Adolph Muleja, David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt, Christian Lumu, Kalala Jalama and Bhekie Mamba

9:50 AM
(643e) Gas–to–Liquid Conversion On Co/Al2O3 Catalyst – Pretreatment Effect Studies
Zhendong Pan, Fernando Vallejos-Burgos and Dragomir B. Bukur

10:30 AM
(643g) Novel Cobalt Catalyst Supported On Titania-Decorated Silicon Carbide for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Francis Luck, Cuong Pham-Huu, Charlotte Pham, Ovidiu Ersen, Yuefeng Liu and Benoît de Tymowski
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division