350 Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks: Chemicals

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 3:15 PM
Yosemite A (Hilton)
Catalysis can play a key role in environmentally benign production of biodegradable and/or renewable chemicals and materials. This season focuses on catalyst and catalytic process development for producing chemicals and materials from biomass, petroleum, and coal.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
Alternate Fuels and New Technology (16D), Sustainable Biorefineries (23B)

Jesse Bond
Email: jqbond@syr.edu

Carrie Farberow
Email: farberow@wisc.edu

4:35 PM
(350e) Stabilization By Atomic Layer Deposition of Copper Catalysts for Liquid Phase Reactions
Brandon J. O'Neill, David Jackson, Anthony J. Crisci, Carrie A. Farberow, Junling Lu, Paul J. Dietrich, Tao Li, Fabio H. Ribeiro, Jeffrey T. Miller, Randall Winans, Jeffrey W. Elam, Jeff Greeley, Manos Mavrikakis, Susannah L. Scott, Thomas F. Kuech and James A. Dumesic

4:55 PM
(350f) Understanding Solvation Effects On Biomass Derived Platform Chemicals: A Combined Spectroscopic and Theoretical Approach
George Tsilomelekis, Christina Bagia, Tyler R. Josephson, Stavros Caratzoulas, Vladimiros Nikolakis and Dionisios G. Vlachos

5:15 PM
(350g) Structured Solvents for Catalytic Conversion of Cellulose to Bio-Chemicals
Z. Conrad Zhang, Jinxia Zhou, Tingyu Huang, Songyan Jia and Kairui Liu
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division