565 Process Intensification By Enhanced Mass and Heat Transfer

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 3:15 PM
Union Square 19 (Hilton)
Process Intensification (PI) refers to the transformation of a chemical process to make it significantly more efficient in terms of reduced energy consumption, fewer unit operations, smaller volume or footprint for a given capacity etcetera. PI is usually implemented through design of new equipment that combines multiple unit operations or design of new process-intensifying methods, e.g., new reaction routes (using new catalysts), use of innovative solvents, alternative forms of energy, microreactors, integrated processes (e.g. reactive or hybrid separations) or new (e.g. dynamic) operating modes. Microprocess engineering is a type of process intensification that focuses more on chemical or physical processes at micro-scales and novel equipment designs to achieve the same. Papers on practical implementations as well as methodological contributions are welcome.

Process Intensification & Microprocess Engineering
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20)

Pankaj S. Gautam
Email: pankaj.gautam@sabic-ip.com

Susanne Lux
Email: susanne.lux@tugraz.at

Hani Gadalla
Email: hani.gadalla@ChartIndustries.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:15 PM
(565a) Open-Cell Metal Foams As Enhanced Catalyst Supports for Heat Transfer Intensification in Tubular Reactors
Enrico Bianchi, Carlo Giorgio Visconti, Gianpiero Groppi, Wilhelm Schwieger, Enrico Tronconi and Hannsjörg Freund

3:36 PM
(565b) CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer in a Microchannel Reactor for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Process
Krishnadash Kshetrimayum, Chansaem Park, Ikhwan Jung, Seongho Park, Jonggeol Na and Chonghun Han

5:00 PM
(565f) Optimal Design of Reactive Distillation Coupled With Side Reactor for Tert-Butyl Acetate Production
Ming Chen, Chong Li, Jihai Tang, Xian Chen, Zhaoyang Fei, Mifen Cui and Xu Qiao

5:21 PM
(565g) Hydrodynamics and Mixing Characterization in a High Shear Mixer
Vikash Vashisth, Dr Vimal Kumar and Indra Mani Mishra
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division