341 Advances in Process Intensification

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 3:15 PM
Union Square 19 (Hilton)
Process Intensification (PI) aims at the transformation of a chemical process to make it significantly more efficient in terms of relevant process performance figures. PI requires a holistic view in order to identify and eliminate the main resistances that limit the overall process performance. Options for PI can be identified and realized on different scales of a chemical process and include e.g. the realization of new reaction routes (using new catalysts), the use of innovative solvents, alternative forms of energy, novel (e.g. structured) reactors, integrated processes (e.g. reactive or hybrid separations) or new (e.g. dynamic) operating modes. Papers on practical implementations as well as methodological contributions are equally welcome.

Process Intensification & Microprocess Engineering

Debangsu Bhattacharyya
Email: Debangsu.bhattacharyya@mail.wvu.edu

Shawn D. Feist
Email: sfeist@dow.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:57 PM
File available
4:18 PM
(341d) Horizontal Reactive Distillation Concepts and Their Application for Continuous Multicomponent Chiral Resolution
Patrick H. Au-Yeung, Sol M. Resnick, Paul M. Witt, Timothy C. Frank, Felipe A. Donate and Lanny A. Robbins

4:39 PM
(341e) Reactive Distillation With Biocatalytic Coatings for Structured Packings
Rene Heils, Lutz Hilterhaus, Andreas Liese and Irina Smirnova
File available
5:00 PM
(341f) Scaling Down Oscillatory Baffled Reactors
Adam P. Harvey, Anh N. Phan, Valentine C. Eze, Richard A. Abernethy and Fatimah mohd-Rasdi

5:21 PM
(341g) Control Strategies for the Spinning Disk Reactor
Dena Ghiasy, M. Tham and Kamelia Boodhoo
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division