7 Bionanotechnology

Sunday, November 3, 2013: 3:30 PM
Golden Gate 1 (Hilton)
This session will address topics in bionanotechnology, including: medical diagnostics, biosensors, molecular imaging, contrast agents, biocolloids, targeted imaging probes, biomarkers, disease receptors, etc.

Engineering Fundamentals in Life Science

Vamsi K. Yadavalli
Email: vyadavalli@vcu.edu

Chongli Yuan
Email: cyuan@purdue.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:30 PM

4:06 PM
File available
4:24 PM
(7d) Integrated Micro Nanotechnology for Sensitive Detection of Cancer Cells in Circulation
Hyeun Joong Yoon, Tae Hyun Kim, Zhuo Zhang, Azizi Ebrahim, Costanza Paoletti, Jules Lin, Nithya Ramnath, Max Wicha, Daniel Hayes, Diane Simeone and Sunitha Nagrath

5:18 PM
(7g) Nanoparticles As Autophagy Activators
Wensi Song, Seung Soo Lee, Marzia Savini and Laura Segatori

5:36 PM
(7h) Dendrimer-Based Therapeutic Delivery for Cerebral Palsy: Mechanism of Nanoparticle Uptake
Rangaramanujam Kannan, Elizabeth Nance, Fan Zhang, Manoj Mishra, Bindu Balakrishnan and Sujatha Kannan
See more of this Group/Topical: Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division