574 Survey Results and Best Practices: Electives (Invited Talks)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 3:15 PM
Union Square 25 (Hilton)
This session reports on the results of a nationwide survey on elective courses in chemical engineering curricula.

Undergraduate Education
Product Design (12g)

Margot Vigeant
Email: mvigeant@bucknell.edu

Benjamin J. Davis
Email: bdavis@cooper.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:15 PM
(574a) Electives in the Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Curriculum
Timothy J. Anderson, Daniel Lepek, Polly R. Piergiovanni, Margot Vigeant and Benjamin J. Davis

4:30 PM
(574b) Particle Technology: Perspectives and Best Practices From Multiple Institutions
Daniel Lepek, Charles Coronella, Kimberly H. Henthorn, Christine M. Hrenya, Timothy Raymond and Martin Rhodes
File available
5:25 PM
(574e) Characterizing PM2.5 in a Mountain Valley: A Community Engagement Project
Geoffrey D. Silcox, Kerry Kelly, Robert Kotchenruther and Roman Kuprov
See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division