668 Computing and Technology in Education: First Year

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 12:30 PM
Union Square 24 (Hilton)
This session is on the use of computing and technology in chemical engineering education in the classroom.


Allen Hersel
Email: hersela@tristate.edu

Jason M. Keith
Email: keith@che.msstate.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:30 PM
(668a) Using Social Media in Chemical Engineering Courses
Richard L. Zollars and Christopher Hundhausen
File available
12:51 PM
(668b) The Role Of Smartphones and Tablets In Numerical Problem Solving
Michael Elly, Mordechai Shacham and Michael B. Cutlip

1:54 PM

2:36 PM
(668g) Online Data Resources in Chemical Engineering Education: Impact of the Uncertainty Concept
Joseph W. Magee, Sun Hyung Kim, Jeong Won Kang, Kenneth Kroenlein, Vladimir Diky, Chris Muzny, Andrei Kazakov, Robert D. Chirico and Michael Frenkel
See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division