5 Battery Technology - Flow, Convection, and Lithium Battery Technologies

Sunday, November 3, 2013: 3:30 PM
Taylor AB (Hilton)
Papers are welcome on flow and convection battery technology. In general, this session applies to batteries targeting applications greater than 4 kWh up to grid storage. Papers are welcome on range of topics such as electrode architectures, chemistries, performance improvement, and modeling. Papers will be clustered for topic for the final session.

Alternate Fuels and New Technology
Alternative Energy & Enabling Technologies (T4E), Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (16)

Galen Suppes
Email: suppesg@missouri.edu

Ramsey Hilton
Email: rhwv9@mizzou.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
4:00 PM
(5c) Transient Studies of a Sodium-Sulfur Cell
Sarah Caprio and Debangsu Bhattacharyya
File available
4:15 PM
(5d) Cycle Life Prediction for Ncm-Composite/Graphite Lithium Ion Battery Cells
Justin Purewal, John Wang, Jason Graetz, Harshad Tataria and Mark W. Verbrugge

4:30 PM
(5e) Convection Battery - Elimination of Dendrite Failure
Galen Suppes, Donald Dornbusch and Ramsey Hilton

4:55 PM
(5f) Convection Battery - Performance Improvement and Characterization
Galen Suppes, Ramsey Hilton, Michael Gordon and Donald Dornbusch

5:10 PM
(5g) Key Parameters for Electrothermal Dynamics and Control of 15-Ah Prismatic Li-Ion Batteries
Sun Ung Kim, Lynn Secondo, Charles W. Monroe, Jason Siegel and Anna Stefanopoulou

5:25 PM
(5h) Inorganic Electrolyte Membranes for Redox Flow Batteries
Zhi Xu, Ioannis Michos, Ruidong Yang and Junhang Dong
File available
5:40 PM
File available
5:55 PM
(5j) Acid and Alkaline Hydrogen-Bromine Fuel Cell Systems for Electrical Energy Storage
Trung V. Nguyen, Venkata R. Yarlagadda, Guangyu Lin, Guoming Weng, Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan
See more of this Group/Topical: Fuels and Petrochemicals Division