349982 Effect of Functionalization on the Adsorption of Plant-Derived Anti-Inflammatory Compounds Onto Silica Particles

Monday, November 4, 2013
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton)
Cory Jones1,2, Kaitlyn Wooten2, Stephen E. Rankin2 and Barbara L. Knutson2, (1)Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, (2)Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Effect of Functionalization on the Adsorption of Plant-Derived Anti-Inflammatory Compounds onto Silica Particles
Cory Jones1, Kaitlyn Wooten2, Dr. Stephen Rankin2, Dr. Barbara Knutson2
1Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida
2Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky



The plant flavonoid quercetin is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Quercetin serves as an example of a plant-derived flavonoid compound that could benefit from topical delivery. Topical drug delivery is quick and convenient, has fewer risks, and is useful for self-medication. The use of nanotechnology in topical drug delivery applications has led to better and improved topical treatments. Silica nanoparticles have been incorporated in topical formulations to modify their rheology, but have not been extensively investigated as carriers of anti-inflammatories [1].

Functionalized Stöber silica nanoparticles are investigated in this study for use in the topical delivery of plant-based anti-inflammatories. Nonporous Stöber particles in the size range of 550 nm were synthesized using aqueous-based sol gel chemistry [2]. Adsorption of quercetin to non-functionalized silica particles and particles functionalized with hydrophobic decyl groups and titanium dioxide is compared. The particles are stable and maintain the same size after functionalization. In addition, all types of functional groups result in increased adsorption of quercetin relative to non-functionalized silica.  Titania functionalization was found to be by far the most promising group for enhancing the adsorption of quercetin. Titania-functionalized silica particles adsorb over 3 mg of quercetin per g of silica particles at a solution concentration of 1 g quercetin/L.  At similar solution concentrations, adsorption of quercetin onto non- and decyl- functionalized materials was less than 0.1 mg quercetin / g silica.

1.         Scalia, S., et al., Comparative evaluation of the effect of permeation enhancers, lipid nanoparticles and colloidal silica on in vivo human skin penetration of quercetin. Skin Pharmacol Physiol, 2013. 26(2): p. 57-67.

2.         Stöber, W., A. Fink, and E. Bohn, Controlled growth of monodisperse silica spheres in the micron size range. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1968. 26(1): p. 62-69.

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