349595 Single-Cell-Based Investigation of HL60 Differentiation Using a Microwell Array

Monday, November 4, 2013
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton)
Liza Man1, Lina Aboulmouna2, Abraham D. Stroock2 and Jeffery D. Varner2, (1)Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, (2)School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

High-throughput single-cell measurements of cellular responses are of great importance for a variety of applications including drug testing, toxicology, and basic cell biology assays.  Determining the behavior of multiple biochemical parameters of single cells in parallel provides information for the generation of an ensemble, ultimately allowing for the development of new insights into cell-cell signaling for the creation of model parameters for predictive purposes.  Sometimes the averaged bulk cell response is adequate to represent a population; however, in certain cases the measurement of cell population averaged response to a stimulus has been shown to inaccurately reflect individual cell behavior.  Population heterogeneity is consistent with the observation of primary cells such as hepatocytes which are well known to specialize within the tissue based on anatomical and environmental cues. In this study, we use HL60 as a model uncommitted precursor cell line and its treatment with all-trans retinoic acid (RA) to induce differentiation of HL60 along the granulocytic lineage into neutrophil-like cells. Through this study, we ultimately use HL60 to verify the use of our microwell array as a cell culture platform and to optimize our device for future single-cell analyses.

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