349590 Additive Printing of Curcumin-Based Biodegradable, Antioxidant Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications
349590 Additive Printing of Curcumin-Based Biodegradable, Antioxidant Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications
Monday, November 4, 2013
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton)
A key challenge to regenerative medicine, implant integration and tissue engineering is the modulation of the tissue wound response. Although inflammation is a crucial part of the wound healing process, uncontrolled material response leads to chronic inflammation and thereby, a chronic wound [1]. One of the key parallel mechanisms during inflammation is oxidative stress, which includes the enzymatic the production of superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide, leading to cellular damage and death [2]. The addition of an antioxidant to counteract these reactive oxygen species (ROS) is thought to scavenge this ROS, and hence reduce inflammation permitting accelerated wound healing. Our laboratory has developed a class of antioxidant polymers that can suppress cellular oxidative stress for prolonged times, providing a means of enhancing tissue regeneration. In this work, an antioxidant polymer is prepared into a scaffold using 3D additive printing scaffold. In particular, poly(curcumin β-amino ester) polymer was synthesized and processing it with poly(lactic acid) into extrusion printed filament and subsequently printed into hernia mesh. This study provides evidence that after processing and incorporation in to a scaffold with poly(lactic acid), the drug is still able to release. Furthermore, the work investigates the melt properties of free curcumin and cPβAE.
[1] Szpaderska, A, DiPietro, L. Inflammation in surgical wound healing: Friend or foe? Surgery 137 (2005) 571-573.
[2] Wattamwar, P., Hardas, S, Butterfield, D.A, Anderson, K, Dziubla, T. Tuning of the pro-oxidant and antioxidant activity of trolox through the controlled release from biodegradable poly(trolox ester) polymers. Society For Biomaterials 99a (2011) 184 – 191.
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