345881 Experiences and Lessons Learned From Collaborating With Jfm
345881 Experiences and Lessons Learned From Collaborating With Jfm
Sunday, November 3, 2013: 4:00 PM
Plaza A (Hilton)
We gather together to recognize Dr. MacGregor’s contributions to our chosen field of endeavor as Process Systems Engineers. Industrial application of Advanced Process Control Methodologies based on Multivariate Statistical methodologies has advanced substantially as a result of the career achievements of Dr. John MacGregor. It is observed that changes of this order are a result of the “character” of the individuals at the forefront of the change, the “tip of the spear”. The character qualities that are instrumental in driving changes of the order that have resulted from Dr. MacGregor’s work are actually quite simple in concept, but very difficult in practice. I refer to the character qualities as the 3D’s of change. Desire, the personal realization that change is required, the “want” to. Dedication, the personal commitment to explore, learn, and develop the tools required to convince others that change is “good”, the “will” to do. Determination, the personal commitment to preserver in the face of obstacles and all those who would, in the name of “stability”, discourage pursuit of the pathway that is so clear in the mind of the Change Agent, the “commitment” to do. We are gathered here in this venue to celebrate the impact of Dr. John MacGregor in creating and sustaining an environment that not only defined the change he envisioned from an Academic perspective, but also creating the necessary collaborative industrial relationships that have led to realization of changes in practice that we have only just begun to see. Dr. MacGregor’s legacy is evidenced, not only in those that he has taught and trained, but also in those that have had the privilege to experience the richness of collaboration in implementation of his visionary concepts and methods into robust industrial applications. As Engineers and Scientists, we realize that our achievements are not ours alone, but are, in point of fact, a result of all those who have gone before us and shone a light into the darkness.
See more of this Session: In Honor of John MacGregor's 70th Birthday II
See more of this Group/Topical: Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum
See more of this Group/Topical: Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum