343758 Rapid Process Development: Propane to Propylene Process
Most strategic product and process-development decisions are made very early in the life of a project, at which stage detailed data on reaction kinetics, phase behavior, chemical properties, etc., are incomplete or unknown, and investment decisions must be made based on mostly qualitative and some quantitative information obtained during the discovery phase. In addition, there is increasing pressure to reduce the development time for new products and processes.
Process development is usually performed in an evolutionary way, in which the process flowsheet is developed based on experience and proven best practice rather than on a systematic framework for generating process alternatives. Although this approach yields useful designs quickly and reliably, it does not promote the use of novel technologies or processes, nor does it allow for the comparison of alternative designs. As a result, innovative processes with significant economic advantages are often not explored or incorrectly rejected.
This talk will describe a rapid process development methodology that utilizes synergistic contributions from Chemical Engineers, Chemists and Material Scientists to systematically develop and evaluate new processes. The methodology combines chemistry experiments, process synthesis (hierarchical design procedure, residue curve maps, pinch analysis, etc.), modeling and simulation (Aspen Plus, etc.) and economic analysis to synthesize and rank process alternatives, steer the experimental and process development programs, identify technology risks and mitigation strategies, develop intellectual property, and aid in investment decisions. The end results are frequently innovative and economically competitive processes developed in an efficient and cost effective manner. The methodology is illustrated using the development of a new on-purpose process for the production of high purity (polymer grade) propylene using propane as the feedstock.
Propylene is one of largest commodity chemicals in the world, with an annual worldwide demand of ~ 70 million metric tons, which is projected to grow at over 6% per year. Propylene is primarily produced (~94%) as a co-product of naphtha cracking (ethylene is the primary product) and FCC units in refineries (gasoline is the primary product). As ethylene manufactures switch feedstock from naphtha to ethane (due to the availability of large quantities of low cost natural gas liquids), combined with a reduced gasoline demand, co-production will not be able to satisfy the growing demand for propylene. It is estimated that by 2020, ~ 20% of propylene demand will have to be satisfied by other on-purpose technologies. This shortfall in supply, coupled with the availability of inexpensive propane from shale gas, has resulted in significant interest in the manufacture of on-purpose propylene from propane. The only commercially available technology for achieving this is propane dehydrogenation (PDH) from UOP (Oleflex) and Lummus Technology (CATOFIN).
Using the rapid design methodology, GRT Inc. has developed an innovative new technology for the production of high purity (polymer grade) propylene using propane as the feedstock. Based on capital and operating cost estimation performed by a top-tier Engineering Company, compared to current state of the art propane dehydrogenation (PDH) processes, the GRT process has a number of important advantages:
Highly selective production of propylene; no significant byproducts
Simple energy efficient separations; no propane/propylene splitter or cold box
Minimal coke formation infrequent de-coking and simple reactor design
No refrigeration
~ 9% improvement in feedstock conversion efficiency
21% reduction in energy requirements
82% reduction in CO2 emission
30% reduction in capital cost (450 kta plant)
These advantages result in a total cost of production advantage of ~ $200 per metric ton of propylene.
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division