342642 20 Years of Applying John Macgregor's Ideas

Sunday, November 3, 2013: 4:25 PM
Plaza A (Hilton)
Marc Champagne, Analytical R&D, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN

I had the privilege of knowing and working with John over the last 20 years.  In honor of John MacGregor’s 70th birthday, I will be discussing how his ideas and my interactions with John and his graduate students have influenced me in applying multivariate data analysis (MVA) in the pulp and paper industry, in the steel industry and now in the pharmaceutical industry.    I will discuss how multivariate data analysis is applied in continuous manufacturing process in pulp and paper, and in pharmaceutical manufacturing process.  I will also discuss Eli Lilly’s collaboration with ProSensus personnel in testing John’s theories of optimizing existing processes using historical data, and in testing his theories on transferring a product on a different production platform.  Finally I will comment about John’s thoughts of how the pharmaceutical industry should be developing a better Design of Experiment strategy in the product design space.

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