336020 Multiresolution Modeling of Polymer Solutions: Wavelet-Based Coarse-Graining and Reverse-Mapping

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 4:35 PM
Continental 6 (Hilton)
Animesh Agarwal, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, Carl Simon Adorf, AICES Graduate School, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, Christopher R. Iacovella, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN and Ahmed E. Ismail, Aachener Verfahrenstechnik, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

In contrast to multiscale methods, which can encompass multiple simulation techniques, multiresolution models uses the same general modeling technique with representations of a system at different length and time scales. We present work on a "complete solution" for modeling of semidilute polymer solutions, containing both coarse-graining and reverse-mapping steps.

The coarse-graining approach is based on wavelet-accelerated Monte Carlo (WAMC) method, which forms a hierarchy of resolutions to model polymers at length scales that cannot be reached via atomistic or even "standard" coarse-grained simulations. Using multiple stages of resolution, it is possible to simulate polymers of up to millions of repeat units in length. Although previously applied only to individual chain statistics, we show here how it can be extended to the study of polymer solutions. Bonded and non-bonded potentials between coarse-grained superatoms are computed. The non-bonded potential is computed using the same approach used previously in the study of single chains while the bonded potentials are computed using reverse Monte Carlo. A universal scaling function is obtained so that potentials do not need to be recomputed as the scale of the system is changed. To model polymer solutions, the intermolecular potential between the CG beads is assumed to be equal to the non-bonded potential, which is a reasonable approximation in case of semidilute systems. Using these potentials, various radial distribution functions are calculated from the coarse-grained representation at different resolutions, which compare favorably with the results from the atomistic simulations. We show that coarse-grained polymer solutions can reproduce results obtained from the simulations of the more detailed atomistic system to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

The reverse-mapping proceeds in much the same way: using probability distributions obtained from the coarse-graining procedure with respect to bond lengths, angles, and torsions, as well as the non-bonded potentials, we can reconstruct a more detailed version of the polymer that is consistent both with geometric constraints as well as energetic considerations. Using a "convergence factor" within a Monte Carlo-based energy optimization scheme, we can successfully reconstruct entire atomistic configurations from coarse-grained descriptions. Applications for the reconstruction of atomistic models from united-atom models and detailed models from coarse-grained models will be shown.

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