325437 An Industrial R&D Perspective On Polymer Reaction Engineering and Control From Laboratory to Commercial Scale
“An Industrial R&D Perspective on Polymer Reaction Engineering and Control from Laboratory to Commercial Scale”
K.W. Leffew, T.W. Francisco, K.C. Crather, C.F. Woodward (DuPont Experimental Station), P.B. Deshpande (University of Louisville)
For presentation at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Nov., 2013
Effective scale-up of industrial processes that include polymerization operations requires a number of unique considerations and approaches to ensure that the resultant commercial processes and products meet the design specifications. Design of small scale polymerization equipment and experimental strategy are critical elements to obtaining basic data that will be useful to the larger scale operations. Process control is a particularly important part of polymerization reaction engineering that is often overlooked at the laboratory or pre-pilot scale. Examples from various types of polymerizations (condensation and bulk, solution and emulsion addition polymerizations) will be discussed to illustrate this industrial perspective and highlight some of the best practices and pitfalls that are encountered in scale-up of polymerization operations.
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division