532 AIChE-IChemE Joint Session II - Energy & Sustainability
532 AIChE-IChemE Joint Session II - Energy & Sustainability
Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 3:15 PM
Westmoreland Central (Westin )
This session builds on the previous session, Energy and Sustainability – A Global View, with a panel discussion to engage the audience in exploring the path forward; to address the role of our professional societies in responding to the energy and sustainability challenges. Speakers from the first session, along with others outside the engineering profession, will serve as panelists. How will the engineering professional societies more effectively communicate and contribute to societies ability to make sense of the complexity of the local, national and global energy system choices?
International Activities Committee
International Congress on Energy (ICE) 2012 (T4H), Topical B: 2nd Annual World Congress on Sustainable Engineering (TB)
See more of this Group/Topical: Liaison Functions