491 Fuel Processing for Hydrogen Production III

Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 12:30 PM
302 (Convention Center )
continuation of Fuel Processing and Chemicals Production

Accelerating Fossil Energy Technology Development Through Integrated Computation and Experimentation
ICE2012: Alternative Energy & Enabling Technologies (T4E), ICE2012: Fossil Fuels & CCS (T4G)

Dushyant Shekhawat
Email: dushyant.shekhawat@netl.doe.gov

David A. Berry
Email: david.berry@netl.doe.gov

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
12:30 PM
(491a) Microplasma Reforming for Fuel Cell Feed
Peter J. Lindner and R. S. Besser

12:50 PM
(491b) Dry Reforming Assisted Nonthermal Plasma Catalytic Reactor
Mahammadunnisa Shaik, Manoj Kumar Reddy P, B. Ramaraju and Surbahmanyam Ch
File available
1:10 PM
(491c) Dry Reforming of Methane Using Rh Substituted Pyrochlores
Devendra Pakhare, Victor Abdelsayed, Daniel J. Haynes, Dushyant Shekhawat and James J. Spivey
File available
1:30 PM
(491d) Simulation of Methane Steam Reforming Enhanced by in Situ CO2 Sorption Utilizing K2CO3 Promoted Hydrotalcites for H2 Production
Naruewan Chanburanasiri, Ana M. Ribeiro, Alirio E. Rodrigues and Suttichai Assabumrungrat

1:50 PM
(491e) Bi-Reforming of Methane and Natural Gas Under High Pressure
Alain Goeppert, Miklos Czaun, Robert May, Surya Prakash and George Olah

2:10 PM