582 Nucleation and Growth III

Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 3:15 PM
Crawford West (Westin )
This session welcomes contributions on experimental, theoretical, and computational studies of phenomena related to nucleation and growth, including vapor-to-liquid (droplet) nucleation, liquid-to-vapor (bubble) nucleation and crystallization.

Crystallization and Evaporation
Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a)

Korosh Torabi
Email: korosh.torabi@northwestern.edu

Marina Tsianou
Email: mtsianou@buffalo.edu

3:37 PM

3:59 PM
(582c) Quantifying Clathrate Hydrate Nucleation and Growth From Molecular Simulations
Amadeu K. Sum, David T. Wu, Somendra Nath Chakraborty and Eric Grzelak

4:21 PM

5:05 PM
(582f) Gel-Induced Selective Crystallization of Polymorphs
Ying Diao, Allan S. Myerson, T. Alan Hatton and Bernhardt L. Trout
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division