739 Chemical Looping Processes 3 -- Scale-up, Technical and Cost Analysis

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:15 PM
307 (Convention Center )
Chemical Looping processes involve cycling a solid between two reactors to selectively transport a chemical such as oxygen (for combustion) or carbon dioxide (for CO2 removal). The successful Chemical Looping Processes session is being held for the fifth year in a row to addresses advances in development of chemical looping processes such as combustion reforming, hybrid-combustion gasification, including systems for CO2 capture, hydrogen productions, and other novel chemical looping technologies.

Transport and Energy Processes

Kevin Whitty
Email: kevin.whitty@utah.edu

Shwetha Ramkumar
Email: shwetha.ramkumar@exxonmobil.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:15 PM
(739a) Clc Coal Combustion in a 10 Kw Pilot Plant
Tiago Sozinho, William Pelletant, Florent Guillou, Thierry Gauthier and Hélène Stainton

3:53 PM
(739c) Iron Based Chemical Looping Gasification Using Gaseous Fuels
Liang Zeng, Andrew Tong, Hyung Rae Kim, Dawei Wang, Mandar Kathe, Siwei Luo, Qiang Zhou, Elena Chung, Zhenchao Sun and Liang-Shih Fan

4:12 PM
(739d) Exergetic Analysis of Chemical Looping Reforming Processes
Michelle Najera, Saurabh Bhavsar, Neha Nandaku and Götz Veser

5:09 PM
(739g) Calcium Looping Process for CO2 Capture - Investigation of Direct Carbonation of Ca(OH)2
Nihar Phalak, William Herold, Niranjani Deshpande and L.-S. Fan
See more of this Group/Topical: Energy and Transport Processes