728 Alternative Fuels and Enabling Technologies III

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:15 PM
322 (Convention Center )
This is the third session on alternative fuels and enabling technologies.

Alternate Fuels and New Technology
ICE2012: BioFuels (T4F)

Hossein Toghiani
Email: hossein@che.msstate.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

3:15 PM
(728a) Extraction of Algal Oils From Wet Algae Under Subcritical Water Conditions
Harvind Kumar Reddy, Tapaswy Muppaneni, Sundaravadivelnathan Ponnusamy, Prafulla Dinkarrao Patil, Shuguang Deng, Tanner Schaub, Barry Dungen, Francisco Holguin, Peter Lammers, Wayne Voorhies and Peter Cooke

3:40 PM
(728b) Supercritical CO2 Modified with Mixed-Polarity Azeotropic Solvents for Extraction of Lipids From Algal Biomass
Prafulla Dinkarrao Patil, Harvind Reddy, Tapaswy Muppaneni, Peter Dailey, Tanner Schuab, Peter Cooke, Peter Lammers and Shuguang Deng

4:05 PM
(728c) Non Catalytic Transesterification of Non-Edible, Edible and Waste Cooking Oils Under Super Critical Ethanol Conditions
Tapaswy Muppaneni, Harvind Kumar Reddy, Prafulla Dinkarrao Patil, Sundaravadivelnathan Ponnusamy, Peter Dailey and Shuguang Deng
File available
4:30 PM
(728d) CFD Modeling and Design of a Gravity Settler for Algae Dewatering
Karl Scott, Scott Hug, Joanne Belovich and Jorge E. Gatica

4:55 PM

5:20 PM
(728f) Energy-Efficient Bio-Ethanol Recovery
Neil Thomas Stacey, Aristoklis Hadjitheodorou, Diane. Hildebrandt and David Glasser
See more of this Group/Topical: Fuels and Petrochemicals Division