122 Why - and How - to Peer Review

Monday, October 29, 2012: 2:00 PM
335 (Convention Center )
Becoming a peer reviewer is a “rite of passage” for young researchers. Learn why many consider peer review to be your responsibility as an author and a reader. Become part of the community of experts that improves the discipline and upholds standards, while benefiting your career and your publishing know-how. This session is brought to you by AIChE’s Career Services Department, the Publication Committee, and the Career & Education Operating Council. What You Will Learn: How do you become a peer reviewer? Why is peer review anonymous, independent and how does it discourage cronyism? How does software facilitate serving as a peer reviewer? How do you structure and write a valuable review report? How do you pick up tips on improving your own manuscripts from reviewing others’ work? How can you bring the “fresh eye” that spots mistakes that individuals and teams immersed in their work sometimes overlook? How do you deal with conflicts of interest? What are the ethical guidelines for reviewers? Who Should Attend: Young faculty, graduate students and post-docs.

Career Services

Steve Smith
Email: steps@aiche.org

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