738 Chemical Engineering in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
738 Chemical Engineering in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:15 PM
305 (Convention Center )
This session will cover the design, development and implementation of chemical processes for the treatment of radioactive wastes, spent nuclear fuels, ore bodies, and other nuclear materials requiring processing. Topics can include any technologies that may have a role in an advanced nuclear fuel cycle, including: solvent extraction, electrochemical processing, volatilization, dissolution, and adsorption, as well as supporting studies in actinide chemistry, surface science, modeling and simulation, and systems integration.
Nuclear Engineering Division
ICE 2012: Global Nuclear and Solar Energy for the 21st Century (T4B)

See more of this Group/Topical: Nuclear Engineering Division - See also T4: 2012 International Congress on Energy