688 CO2 Sequestration Modeling

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 12:30 PM
301 (Convention Center )
This session is concerned with modeling the behavior of CO2 injected into geologic formations, including interactions with formation fluids and rocks and the migration of the CO2 plume.

Carbon Sequestration - Geologic
ICE2012: Fossil Fuels & CCS (T4G)

Grant Bromhal
Email: bromhal@netl.doe.gov

Dustin Crandall
Email: Dustin.Crandall@ur.netl.doe.gov

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:30 PM
(688a) Numerical Simulation of Reservoir-Wellbore Fluid Flow Simulations At Geologic CO2 Sequestration Sites: Coupled or De-Coupled?
Rajesh Pawar, Haruko Wainwright, Robert Dilmore, Jens Birkholzer, Jim Houseworth and Grant Bromhal

12:50 PM
(688b) Investigating the Role of Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical (THM) Processes During Geological Sequestration of CO2
Sharad Kelkar, Rajesh Pawar, George A. Zyvoloski, Philip Stauffer and Hari Viswanathan
File available
1:50 PM
(688e) Cement Degradation Under Conditions Relevant to Geological Carbon Sequestration
Leopold Brunet, Li Li, Zuleima Karpyn, Brian Strazisar and Barbara Kutchko
File available
2:10 PM

2:30 PM