722 Self Assembly in Thin Films and Confined Geometries

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 12:30 PM
Westmoreland West (Westin )
Block copolymer thin films provide the opportunity to design materials ideal for nanoscale applications based on their ability to self-assemble into periodic structures. This session highlights recent experimental, theoretical, and computational developments related to designing, manipulating, characterizing, or utilizing the nanoscale architectures afforded in thin films. Contributions related to the synthesis and assembly of novel functional thin film materials, directed assembly, high-throughput techniques, thermodynamics of thin film processing, and structure-property relationships are encouraged. Applications of the films including, but not limited to, patterning, membranes, biological templates, electronics, and photonics are also welcome.


Robert Riggleman
Email: rrig@seas.upenn.edu

Adam J. Nolte
Email: nolte@rose-hulman.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
12:30 PM
(722a) Manipulating Nanoscale Ordering in Block Copolymer Thin Films
Julie Albert, Thomas H. Epps III, Jon Seppala and Ming Luo

1:20 PM
(722c) Simulation of Contact Hole Rectification by Directed Self Assembly of Diblock Copolymers
Rahul Sharma, Valeriy V. Ginzburg, Jeffrey D. Weinhold and Phillip D. Hustad

1:40 PM
(722d) Investigation of High χ Block Copolymers for Directed Self-Assembly: Selective Block Removal of PS-b-Phost Patterns Via Selective ALD and Etch
Nathan Jarnagin, Wei-Ming Yeh, Andrew Peters, Richard Lawson, Jing Cheng, Laren M. Tolbert and Clifford Henderson

2:00 PM
(722e) Ultrathin and Transparent Nanobrick Wall Super Gas Barrier Assemblies
Laura Bolling, Morgan Priolo, Daniel Gamboa, Kevin Holder and Jaime C. Grunlan

2:20 PM
(722f) Molecular Transfer Printing Over Large Areas
Dustin W. Janes, Christopher J. Thode, Ryan P. Deschner, Jeong In Lee, M. Serdar Onses, C. Grant Willson, Paul F. Nealey and Christopher J. Ellison
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division