751 Fundamentals of Electrode and Cell Designs: A Tutorial Session

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:15 PM
410 (Convention Center )
Fundamentals of electrode and cell designs for various electrochemical systems such as electrolysis cells, batteries and fuel cells are the focus of this session. Presentations will be by invited experts in this area.

Electrochemical Fundamentals
Alternative Energy and Fuel Cells (07F), Interfacial Transport (07C), Transport and Energy Processes (07), Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals (01), Transport Processes (01d), Materials Engineering and Sciences Division (08), Topical 5: Nanomaterials for Energy Applications (T5)

Alan C. West
Email: acw17@columbia.edu

Thomas F. Fuller
Email: tom.fuller@chbe.gatech.edu

See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals