757 Green Engineering and Sustainability In Collegiate Curriculum

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:15 PM
327 (Convention Center )
Green engineering and sustainability are topics that are rapidly entering the mainstream of the industrial chemical engineering profession. Hence, many university and college curriculae are following suit and incorporating these topics in core classes. This session solicits presentations on experiences from those that have (or will) develop curriculum around green engineering and/or sustainability.

Sustainable Engineering Forum (23), Topical B: 2nd Annual World Congress on Sustainable Engineering (TB), Environmental Division (09)

Sarah Widder
Email: sarah.widder@pnl.gov

Nada Marie Anid
Email: nanid@nyit.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
3:15 PM
(757d) Energy Conservation in Higher Education Facilities
Dr. Robert W. Peters, Atul Kajale, Zhuo Li and Matthew Winslett
File available
3:45 PM
(757c) Environmental Performance for the Elaboration Processes for Catalysts of á - Al2O3 and Silica
Johana Garcia, Gabriel Camargo, Luisa Martin, Lady Gaitan, Daniel Portela, Nikolay Agudelo Valencia and Juan Carlos Moreno
See more of this Group/Topical: Environmental Division