668 Advances in Fluid-Particle Separation Processes

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 12:30 PM
403 (Convention Center )
Papers are solicited on filtration, sedimentation, flocculation, centrifugation and other fluid particle separation processes used in oil refining, natural gas refining, heavy oil upgrading, catalyst synthesis, oil & gas production, among others.

Fluid-Particle Separations

G. G. Chase
Email: gchase@uakron.edu

Isaac K. Gamwo
Email: Gamwo@netl.doe.gov

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
12:30 PM
(668a) Cryogenic CO2 Removal From Natural Gas by Desublimation in Staged Heat Exchanger
Mark Jensen, Larry L. Baxter, Chris Bence, Christopher Hoeger and Kyler Stitt

12:55 PM
(668b) Optimize Solids-Liquid Separation with Inline Particle Size Measurement
Jack Shu, Des O'Grady, Benjamin Smith and Anjan P. Pandey

1:20 PM
(668c) Model of Shale Shaker Performance
Hesam H. Nejad, Vidya Raja and G. G. Chase
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division