76 Characterization of Engineered Particles and Nanostructured Particulate Systems

Monday, October 29, 2012: 12:30 PM
Conference B (Omni )
The physical and chemical characterization of engineered particles ranging from the nanometer to the micrometer scale plays an important role in formulation, processing and quality assurance. This session will focus on recent developments in characterization techniques and methodologies. Emphasis will be placed on nanostructured engineered particle systems with several examples of the link between novel characterization techniques and novel engineered structures and properties

Particle Production and Characterization

Stephen L. Conway
Email: stephen_conway@merck.com

Daniel Lepek
Email: lepek@cooper.edu

12:30 PM
(76a) The Primary Particle Diameter of Aerosol Agglomerates & Aggregates From Mass-Mobility Characterization
Max Eggersdorfer, Arto J. Gröhn, C. M. Sorensen, Peter H. McMurry and Sotiris E. Pratsinis

1:20 PM
(76c) Roughness Effects On Particle Adhesion
Nyah V. Zarate, James D. Litster and Stephen P. Beaudoin

2:10 PM

2:35 PM
(76f) Phase Separation and Reaction Mechanism During Agcu Particle Formation by Cosolvent Assisted Pyrolysis Technology
Kai Zhong, George Peabody, Elizabeth Blankenhorn, Howard Glicksman and Sheryl H. Ehrman
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum