124 Agglomeration and Granulation Processes
124 Agglomeration and Granulation Processes
Monday, October 29, 2012: 3:15 PM
Conference B (Omni )
This session seeks papers covering all aspects of Agglomeration and Granulation Processes, i.e., the process of forming larger granules from fine particles with or without the use of a binder; this includes wet-and melt-granulation, mixer-granulation, fluid bed granulation and coating and compaction under pressure. Papers are requested on theoretical, computer modeling and experimental research performed on the above systems; this includes fundamental physical and chemical aspects of agglomeration on granular, unit operation dynamics (e.g., flow and stress fields), system integration, scale-up and process control.
Particle Production and Characterization
Padma Narayan
Email: Pnarayan@dow.com
Mehrdad Kheiripour Langroudi
Email: mehrdad.kheiripour@merck.com
Email: Pnarayan@dow.com
Mehrdad Kheiripour Langroudi
Email: mehrdad.kheiripour@merck.com

See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum