612 Biobased Materials II: Lignin-Based Materials

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 8:30 AM
304 (Convention Center )
Lignin is one of the three biopolymers present in forest biomass. It is rich in aromatic and various antioxidants and can act as a platform for various novel materials. This session is intended to focus on lignin based biomaterials, nanocarbons and nanocomposites.

Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division
Biomaterials (08B)

Amar K. Mohanty
Email: mohanty@uoguelph.ca

Manju Misra
Email: mmisra@uoguelph.ca

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:30 AM
(612a) Determination Methods for Caloric Properties of Lignocellulosic Biomass
Karsten Müller, Julian Schuster, Liudmila Mokrushina and Wolfgang Arlt

9:14 AM
(612c) Advanced Bio and Nanocomposites From Lignin
Sinto Jacob, Richard Chen, Xiogang Luo, Satvinder Panesar, Harekrishna Deka, Amar K. Mohanty and Manju Misra

9:36 AM
(612d) Lignin - Polypropylene Blends: Formulation and Performance
Hongbo Li, Minh-Tan Ton-That and Nathalie Legros
File available
10:20 AM