7 Advances in CO2 Capture

Monday, October 29, 2012: 8:30 AM
413 (Convention Center )
We invite experimental and modeling papers dealing with the thermodynamics and kinetics of CO2 capture from various point sources. Capture technologies of interest include, but are not limited to, adsorption, absorption, membrane separations, and other methods spanning the range from physical interactions to chemical reactions. Papers combining both experiments and modeling are especially encouraged.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (21), High Pressure (01F), ICE2012: Fossil Fuels & CCS (T4G)

Robert M. Enick
Email: rme@pitt.edu

Niall Mac Dowell
Email: nmac-dow@imperial.ac.uk

8:30 AM
(7a) Modelling the Fluid Phase Behaviour of Aqueous Mixtures of Multifunctional Alkanolamines and Carbon Dioxide Using Transferable Parameters with the SAFT Approach
Alexandros Chremos, Niall Mac Dowell, Javier Rodriguez, Felix Llovell, Amparo Galindo, Claire S. Adjiman and George Jackson

9:12 AM
(7c) Hydrophobic Polymeric Solvents for the Selective Absorption of CO2 from Warm Gas Streams that also Contain H2 and H2O
Peter Koronaios, David Luebke, Samantha Warman, Craig Stevenson and Robert M. Enick

9:33 AM
(7d) Electrochemically-Mediated Amine Regeneration for Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing Processes
Michael C. Stern, Fritz Simeon, Howard Herzog and T. Alan Hatton

10:15 AM
(7f) Reversible Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capture: A Thermodynamic Study
Amy L. Rohan, Jackson R. Switzer, Kyle M. Flack, Emily C. Nixon, Amber C. Rumple, Elizabeth J. Biddinger, Manish Talreja, Pamela Pollet, Charles A. Eckert and Charles L. Liotta

10:36 AM
(7g) Thermodynamic Model for CO2 Absorption by Phase-Change Ionic Liquids
Luke D. Simoni, Joan F. Brennecke and Mark A. Stadtherr
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals