649 Molecular and Mesoscopic Systems: Methods and Applications

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 8:30 AM
327 (Convention Center )
Advances in the modeling and simulation of molecular and mesoscopic level systems are invited. Interfaces, molecular interactions, coarse graining, mesoscopic simulations and modeling, as well as multiscale approaches are among the areas that are covered by this session.

Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis

Roger P. Pawlowski
Email: rppawlo@sandia.gov

Roman S. Voronov
Email: rvoronov@seas.upenn.edu

8:50 AM

9:10 AM
(649c) Physiochemical Properties of Functional Polymer / Solid Carbon Surface Composites Via Molecular Simulation
Pil Seung Chung, Robert Smith, Sesha Hari Vemuri, Lorenz T. Biegler and Myung S. Jhon

9:50 AM
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division