544 Data Analysis: Design, Algorithms & Applications

Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 3:15 PM
326 (Convention Center )
The amount of data made available by the continuing advances in experimental measurement techniques has created both opportunities and major challenges towards efficient computational processing of the data sets. Extracting useful information (i.e., knowledge) from these large data sets requires an integral approach that couples the design of experiments or measurement techniques with the algorithms or applications required for the data processing and analysis. New tools for representing, extracting, and using the knowledge available in data sets are expected to emerge to perform tasks in data-rich, analysis-rich situations rather than being data-poor, analysis-rich, which has been the traditional scenario until recently. Contributions are sought that propose new modeling approaches and computational algorithms for addressing issues related to data analysis, management and data-based decision making. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: * Model based experimental design and use of new data to refine models * Analysis of complex systems including material and biological * Use of data analysis for design, optimization, and control * Interplay of first principles and data driven models in knowledge extraction. The following topics are also of interest to this session: * Distributed decision making in organizations * Decentralized information processing * Financial modeling & investment planning * Information management across the WWW. Applications with industrial relevance are strongly encouraged.

Computers in Operations and Information Processing
Information Technology (10E)

Il Moon
Email: ilmoon@yonsei.ac.kr

Antonis Kokossis
Email: akokossis@mail.ntua.gr

3:37 PM
(544b) Multivariate Analysis of Process Data for Product Formulation Optimization in Property Cluster Space
Subin Hada, Robert Herring III, J. Colin Haser, Nishanth G. Chemmangattuvalappil and Mario Richard Eden

4:43 PM
(544e) Use of Workflows in Knowledge Management
Girish Joglekar, Arun Giridhar, Linas Mockus and Gintaras V. Reklaitis

5:05 PM
(544f) Online Model-Based Experimental Design
Harvey Arellano-Garcia, Diana López and Tilman Barz

5:27 PM
(544g) Selection of Individualized Dosage Regimens by Using a Stochastic Optimization Approach
José Miguel Laínez, Gary Blau, Seza Orcun and G. V. Reklaitis
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division