233 Novel Catalytic Imaging Techniques

Tuesday, October 30, 2012: 8:30 AM
318 (Convention Center )
The ultimate goal of designing a catalyst for a specific purpose requires detailed knowledge of the structura and chemical properties/transformations that occur in real time in the reactive environment. Motivated by this need, a large number of novel catalytic imaging tools have been developed and continue to be developed. These new tools, coupled with theoretical modeling, are providing profound new insights into the relationships between electronic/physical structure and their reactivity, activity and selectivity. The purpose of this session is to provide a forum to discuss catalysis science and technologies enabled by these new ex situ and in situ/operando characterization tools, as well as the needs for future developments in next-generation characterization techniques.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Hari Nair
Email: hari.nair@exxonmobil.com

Judith C. Yang
Email: judyyang@pitt.edu

8:30 AM
(233a) Methods to Study Catalysts Under Reaction Conditions
Fabio H. Ribeiro, W. Nicholas Delgass, Eric A. Stach and Jeffrey T. Miller

9:10 AM

9:30 AM
(233c) Model Catalyst Study of Pt Nanoparticles Supported On g-Al2O3 Single Crystal
Zhongfan Zhang, Long Li, Dong Su, Kim Kisslinger, Eric A. Stach and Judith C. Yang

9:50 AM
(233d) Dispersive Kinetics of Fluorescent Two-State Reactions At the Single Nanoparticle Level
Venkataramanan Ravi, Kaushik Joshi, Adri van Duin, Peter J. Butler and Robert M. Rioux
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division