213 Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena I

Tuesday, October 30, 2012: 8:30 AM
414 (Convention Center )
This session deals with experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental issues of interfaces in natural and engineered systems. Specific topics will include thermodynamics of interfaces; intermolecular and interparticle interactions; surface forces; electrostatic and electrokinetic phenomena at interfaces; contact angle phenomena and wetting; liquid surfaces; adsorption and desorption; surface modification; self- and directed- assembly; emulsions, micelles, and foams; thin films; and interfacial mass transfer.

Interfacial Phenomena

Mustafa Akbulut
Email: mustafa.akbulut@chemail.tamu.edu

Noshir Pesika
Email: npesika@tulane.edu

8:35 AM
(213a) Understanding Hydrophobic Interactions On the Nano-Scale Using Beta-Peptide Oligomers
Claribel Acevedo, Derek Ma, Samuel H. Gellman and Nicholas L. Abbott

8:55 AM

9:55 AM
(213e) Local Equilibrium of the Gibbs Interface in Two-Phase Systems
Thierry Savin, Marco Schweizer and Hans Christian Öttinger

10:15 AM
(213f) Shear Free and Blotless Cryo-TEM Imaging: A New Method for Probing Early Evolution of Nanostructures
Jinkee Lee, Amitesh Saha, Jens Rieger, Arijit Bose and Anubhav Tripathi

10:35 AM
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals