477 Chemical Conversion of Woody Biomass

Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 12:30 PM
304 (Convention Center )
This session is focused on chemical conversion of forest based lignocellulosic bioresources.

Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division
Biomaterials (08B), Nanoparticles (03D)

J.Y. Zhu
Email: jzhu@fs.fed.us

Yulin Deng
Email: Yulin.Deng@ipst.gatech.edu

Zhaohui Tong
Email: ztong@ufl.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:55 PM
(477b) Clean Pyrolytic Sugars Solution
Marjorie Rover, Patrick Johnston, Laura Jarboe and Robert C. Brown

1:20 PM
(477c) 5-HMF Production in Piperylene Sulfone: A Bifunctional Solvent for Reaction and Separation
Christopher J Butch, Jakob Crowe, Gregory Marus, Pamela Pollet, Charles L. Liotta and Charles A. Eckert
File available
1:45 PM
(477d) Enhanced Compost-Drying Process of Sewage Sludge with Carbonized Sludge
Nobusuke Kobayashi, Yoshinori Itaya, Akira Suami, Yanliang Li, Masakazu Sawai and Hisashi Hamabe

2:10 PM