699 Fundamentals of Supported Catalysis I

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 12:30 PM
319 (Convention Center )
This session seeks contributions on understanding the fundamentals of reactivity of supported heterogeneous catalysts based on kinetic, spectroscopic and theoretical studies. Contributions can potentially include kinetic and mechanistic studies of supported metal or bulk oxide structures as well as organic-inorganic catalyst systems.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Javier Guzman
Email: javier.x.guzman@exxonmobil.com

Jesse E. Hensley
Email: Jesse.Hensley@nrel.gov

12:50 PM

1:10 PM
(699c) Selective Hydrogenation of Acrolein On Supported Silver Catalysts: Particle Size and Alloying Effect
Haojuan Wei, Carolina Gomez, Randall J. Meyer, Neng Guo, Tianpin Wu, Rodrigo J. Lobo, Christopher L. Marshall and Jeffrey T. Miller

1:30 PM
(699d) Alkene Hydrogenation and Isomerisation Over Rh Catalysts: Evidence of Sub-Surface Hydrogen
S. David Jackson, Lorna C Begley, Kirsty J. Kakanskas and Andrew Monaghan

1:50 PM
(699e) Hydrogenolysis of Polyols and Cyclic Ethers On ReOx-Promoted Pt and Rh Catalysts
David D. Hibbitts, Qiaohua Tan, Mei Chia, James A. Dumesic and Matthew Neurock

2:30 PM
(699g) An Integrated Approach for Characterization of Pt Based Aqueous Phase Reforming Catalysts
Paul J. Dietrich, Fred Sollberger, Tianpin Wu, Aslihan Sumer, Jullius Jellinek, W. Nicholas Delgass, Jeffrey T. Miller and Fabio H. Ribeiro
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division