199 Cell Culture II: Metabolic Flux Analysis and Modeling

Tuesday, October 30, 2012: 8:30 AM
Washington (Westin )
This session intends to cover the state-of-the-art in mammalian, plant, algal and insect cell culture toward the production of biofuels, therapeutics and high-value secondary metabolites. This session will focus on phenotype characterization using metabolic flux analysis and metabolomics, and the development of mathematical models towards prediction and control of cell culture behavior on small and large scales.


Jamey Young
Email: j.d.young@vanderbilt.edu

Cong Trinh
Email: ctrinh@utk.edu

Seongkyu Yoon
Email: seongkyu_yoon@uml.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:48 AM
(199b) Quantifying the Impact of Bcl-2Δ Overexpression Upon Central Metabolism Through 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis
Neil Templeton, Abasha Lewis, Haimanti Dorai, Kevin Smith, Steven Lang, Michael J. Betenbaugh and Jamey D. Young

10:18 AM
(199g) Analysis of the Effects of Varying Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Biomass Production and Metabolic Network of the Microalgae Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
Flavia Vischi Winck, Rubén Darío Lopez Parra, Rossmary Jay Pang Moncada, Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón, Jorge M. Gomez, Nubia Milena Velasco Rodriguez and Andrés Fernando González Barrios

10:36 AM
(199h) Genome-Scale Flux Balance Analysis of Tree Metabolism
Ashish Misra, Margaret Simons, Matthew Conway, Gary D. Coleman and Ganesh Sriram