214 Fundamentals of Protein Folding in Diseases

Tuesday, October 30, 2012: 8:30 AM
Westmoreland West (Westin )
This session seeks submissions focused on experimental and theoretical characterization and prediction of the thermodynamics and mechanism(s) of protein folding, and the role of aggregation as an on- or off-pathway aspect of (un)folding. Aggregation in this context is intended to include both reversible association and net irreversible aggregate formation. The dynamics and aggregation mechanisms of intrinsically disordered proteins and peptides will also be of interest. Preference will be given to presentations that provide insights of general utility, and those focused on relatively complex (un)folding pathways such as multi-domain and natively multimeric proteins.


Inchan Kwon
Email: ik4t@virginia.edu

Shannon Servoss
Email: sservoss@uark.edu

8:30 AM

9:24 AM
(214d) Inhibition of Alzheimer's-Associated Aβ Aggregation by Gold Nanoparticles
Kelly A. Moore, Deborah Soto-Ortega, Mihyun Lim, Kayla Pate, Kaliah Jackson, Sam Lohse, Rahina Mahtab, Catherine Murphy and Melissa Moss

9:42 AM
(214e) Effect of Co-Solutes On the Aggregation of the Model Amyloid Protein Insulin
Brian Murray, Mirco Sorci, Zhongli Zheng, Y. Elaine Zhu and Georges Belfort

10:00 AM
(214f) Hofmeister Effects and Amyloid Structure of Sup35
Jonathan Rubin, Sven H. Behrens, Yury O. Chernoff and Andreas S. Bommarius