149 Membranes for Gas Separations I

Monday, October 29, 2012: 3:15 PM
403 (Convention Center )
Papers are sought on recent developments in new materials, modules and processes for membrane gas separation.

Membrane-Based Separations
Gas Separation (TDA)

Christopher L. Kitchens
Email: CKITCHE@clemson.edu

Jason E. Bara
Email: jbara@eng.ua.edu

3:15 PM
(149a) Practical Membranes for CO2 Capture
Christina Myers, David Luebke, Wei Shi, Shan Wickramanayake, Brian Kail, Robert L. Thompson and Hunaid Nulwala

3:35 PM
(149b) Theoretical and Experimental Approach to Nitrogen Selective Membranes
Ekin Ozdogan, Panithita Rochana and Jennifer Wilcox

4:15 PM

4:55 PM
(149f) Steam Stability of Layered Zeolites Suitable for Hydrogen Transport
Bahman Elyassi, Xueyi Zhang and Michael Tsapatsis

5:15 PM
(149g) Physical Aging and Carbon Dioxide Plasticization of Thin Polyetherimide Films
Jianzhong Xia, Tai Shung Chung, Pei Li, Norman R. Horn and Donald R. Paul

5:35 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division