229 Nanomaterials for Energy Storage I

Tuesday, October 30, 2012: 8:30 AM
307 (Convention Center )
This session seeks contributions pertaining to the development of nanomaterials for energy storage applications. Nano-issues in hydrogen storage materials for on-board and off-board applications and in electrochemical energy storage devices such as batteries and ultracapacitors are leading examples. Synthesis and characterization approaches, studies of kinetics, energy-release mechanisms and catalytic activity in these and other energy storage materials by experimental, theoretical and computational methods are welcome in this session.

Topical 5: Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
Alternative Energy and Fuel Cells (07F), Alternate Fuels and New Technology (16D), Electronics and Photonics (08E), ICE2012: Alternative Energy & Enabling Technologies (T4E)

Yong L. Joo
Email: ylj2@cornell.edu

9:00 AM
(229b) 3-D Graphenic Network Composites for High-Performance Li-Ion Battery Electrodes
Xin Zhao, Cary M. Hayner, Kai Han, Jung Kyoo Lee, Mayfair C. Kung and Harold H. Kung

9:20 AM
(229c) High Energy Density Semiconductor-Carbon Nanotube Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
Brian J. Landi, Roberta A. DiLeo, Melissa Thone, Michael W. Forney, Alan Raisanen, Matthew J. Ganter, Jason Staub and Reginald E. Rogers Jr.

9:40 AM
(229d) Electrospun Nanofibers for Lithium Ion Batteries
Nathaniel S. Hansen, Daehwan Cho, Kyoung Woo Kim, Jay Hoon Park, Brian Williams and Yong Lak Joo

10:00 AM
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 5: Nanomaterials for Energy Applications