539 Characterization and Simulation of Novel Membranes and Separations

Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 3:15 PM
401 (Convention Center )
Papers are sought that describe novel approaches to characterizing membrane structure and performance. Contributions that describe new methods for membrane functionalization and characterization are of special interest

Membrane-Based Separations

Stephen M. Ritchie
Email: sritchie@eng.ua.edu

Jamie A. Hestekin
Email: jhesteki@uark.edu

3:59 PM
(539c) Understanding and Controlling Fractional Free Volume in Ionic Liquid-Based Polymer Membranes for CO2 Capture
Jason E. Bara, Matthew S. Shannon, A. Christopher Irvin, Michelle S. Hindman and W. Jeffrey Horne

4:21 PM
(539d) Recent Developments in Evapoporometry for Characterizing the Pore-Size Distribution of Membranes
William B. Krantz, Alan R. Greenberg, Elmira Kujundzic, Adrian Yeo and Seyed S. Hosseini

4:43 PM
(539e) A Molecular Marker Approach for Real-Time Characterization of RO Membrane Integrity
Sirikarn Surawanvijit, John Thompson, Anditya Rahardianto, Val Frenkel and Yoram Cohen
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division