291775 Microsphere Formation Using Peptoids

Monday, October 29, 2012
Hall B (Convention Center )
Florencio Serrano Castillo, Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR and Charles Young, Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas

ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) microarrays aid in the desease detection because they are able to test blood for abnormal concentrations of various proteins. However, for ELISA microarray to function correctly, enough protein must be captured by antibodies, or a similar molecule, attached to the slide surface. In order to address this situation, this project focused on the synthesis, purification, and characterization of a peptoid to use in ELISA microarray slide coating. If was expected for the peptoid to form microspheres on a solid substrate and increase the surface area for antibody attachment. This will ultimately result in a greater yield of proteins captured. With a greater sensitivity to all concentrations of the material being searched for, lower concentrations can be detected and this technology can be better utilized for the detection of those proteins linked to diverse diseases with the improved microarray technology. However, the peptoid synthetized did not form microspheres but rather a set of iregular shapes, likely indicating that the peptoid structure tested is not hydrophobic enough to be used for this purpose.

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