291298 Shell Encapsulation and Membrane Formation in Microfluidic Devices
291298 Shell Encapsulation and Membrane Formation in Microfluidic Devices
Monday, October 29, 2012
Hall B (Convention Center )
Droplet based microfluidic systems are widely used in the areas of chemical analysis and reaction studies at the micro-scale. These systems are compatible with a wide array of chemical and biological reagents. Microfluidic devices offer dimensional scaling benefits, formation of monodisperse particles, and the individual control of particles and droplets. This study is motivated by the interest in exploring fabrication techniques for encapsulation and membrane formation in microfluidic devices, the properties of these membranes, and the techniques for the manipulation of these properties. The candidate systems currently being considered for this study are Stearic Acid-in-Decane/Silica Ludox and pH-responsive Chitosan/Phosphate buffer. These systems have proven successful in film formation in bulk studies. Currently, further characterization of these systems is underway which will lead to the formation of droplets encapsulated with porous shell membranes using de novo microfluidic device designs. Future work includes the characterization of membrane permeability, investigation of time-release of encapsulated materials, and the investigation of external stimuli (e.g., pH) on the stability and porosity of membrane.
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